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Beloved by Noori

Man­wa Re” by Noori: A Rev­e­la­tion Through Melodies

I was thir­teen when the strains of “Man­wa Re” first filled the air around me. Sung by the Pak­istani rock band Noori, this song, with its haunt­ing chords and poignant lyrics, carved a niche in my mem­o­ry. It’s only with the pas­sage of years and the matu­ri­ty that comes with adult­hood that I’ve come to unpack the lay­ers beneath its melody.

Noori, known for their abil­i­ty to strad­dle the line between rock­ing vibran­cy and deep, intro­spec­tive themes, intro­duced “Man­wa Re” as a seem­ing­ly sim­ple song. Yet, its sim­plic­i­ty belies a pro­found narrative—one that is entrenched in the shad­ows of despair and con­tem­pla­tion of sui­cide. It’s this dual­i­ty that makes the song com­pelling and, at times, disturbing.

The lyrics sum­mon the lis­ten­er into a dia­logue, one marked by its direct­ness and urgency. They implore the soul—the ‘Manwa’—to recon­sid­er the precipice of final deci­sions. The music com­ple­ments this plea, weav­ing through major and minor scales, mir­ror­ing the vac­il­lat­ing mind on the brink of a life-alter­ing deci­sion. There is a beau­ty here, stark and raw, that Noori cap­tures through their sound­scape; it lays bare the tumult inter­nal­ly rag­ing with­in the pro­tag­o­nist of the song.

Reflect­ing on “Man­wa Re” from the per­spec­tive of adult­hood is to engage with the depth of its sad­ness. For tru­ly, it is a song about the dark night of the soul, about the moments when human beings grap­ple with their deep­est fears and sor­rows. The way Noori encap­su­lates this experience—the angst, the hope, the desperation—is a tes­ta­ment to their craft.

In lis­ten­ing to “Man­wa Re” now, it evokes a bit­ter­sweet melan­choly. It invites one to tra­verse the shad­owy aspects of human emo­tions, yet also instills a sense of cathar­sis. Through this song, Noori does not just cre­ate music; they unfold a nar­ra­tive of resilience in the face of despair.

In the sweep­ing melodies of “Man­wa Re,” we find a nar­ra­tive that is as much about giv­ing voice to the sor­rows as it is about find­ing a qui­et assur­ance that even in our dark­est hours, there is music, there is under­stand­ing, and per­haps, a path forward.

Sing, to the rhythm of drum, sing!
Sing, with the joy of the heart, sing!
Your every pain….by hid­ing it
Dance and make every­one dance…
You cov­er your face…
Your eyes intox­i­cat­ed…
Today, some­one is off to look for their beloved..
Leav­ing, after break­ing all bonds, rela­tions…
Oh soul mate… Oh soul mate…
Oh soul mate…
Don’t afflict…
On the coal-ash of love (heart), don’t blow…
Don’t splat­ter…
Don’t spill…
In front of these eyes…
Oh soul mate…
With sand, a palace I made…
In my grasps, noth­ing has come about
My wound has ripped open; the light of hope has died out…
Old, for­got­ten mem­o­ries, by giv­ing…
Love, from every­one by receiv­ing…
Today some­one is off to look for their beloved
Leav­ing, after break­ing all bonds, rela­tions…
My love, live for­ev­er…
Don’t have any sad­ness… Ever…
Don’t have any sad­ness… Live for­ev­er…
Live for­ev­er!

گا رے دل جھوم کے گا ری
اپنا ہر درد چھپا کے
ناچ اور سب کو ناچا ری

مکھ پہ گھونگھٹ ڈالے۔
نیناں دو متوالے ۔
آج کوئی چلا ہے سج کے پیا نگریا ری
یہ بندھن، ناتے، سارا، تور کے منوا ری

ہو منوا رے… اے منوا رے…
نا تڈپا رے…اگن دل کی…نا سلگا رے…نا بھرکا رے
…نا چلکا رے…یہ نینا رے…اے منوا کرن…

ریت کا مہل بنایا،
ہاتھ تیرے کچھ نہ آیا،
جھوک میرے دل کی عمری،
آس کا دیا سمجھایا،
بیچاری یادیں دے کے،
‚پیار سب کہو لیکے،
آج کوئی چلا ہے سج کے پیا نگریا رے

یہ بندھن، ناتے، سارا، تور کے منوا ری
ہو منوا رے… اے منوا رے…
میندھا سوہنا… ساڈا جیوے…کسے شے دا… نا گم دھیوے…نا گھم دھیوے… ساڈا جیوے…ساڈا جیوا ۔

Tagged: Songs
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