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Silent Movie

Mag­gie was real­ly miss­ing her fam­i­ly as she has­n’t seen them since the start of the year because of COVID. I want­ed to make her birth­day real­ly special.

Because she loves silent movies, I thought it would be a great idea to make one for her fea­tur­ing her fam­i­ly as the actors. In about an hour, I wrote a sim­ple script, com­plete with block­ing details, lines, and cam­era angles. I sent all these details to her par­ents and broth­er. They shot their scenes over the week­end and sent them to me using Google Dri­ve. I grad­ed the footage, spliced it togeth­er, and ren­dered just in time for her birth­day. Here it is:


Tagged: film · Silent movie · Video
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